We can make a summary of post, and show it in the home page.

How to only show a part of posts?

Method 1. In index.html file, set \{\{ post.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 50 \}\} , produces a more consistent excerpt. It gets the first 50 words and strips any formatting.

This method can automatically create a summary of article. However if the article begin with code or markdown tags, you will find the article css style can not shown on the home page.

Method 2. In index.html file, using \{\{ post.summary \}\} to insted of \{\{ post.content \}\}, produces a summary of post. You need add summary in each post file, example

Then you will find all articles summary in the home page.

How to create a read more button for a post?

Basically, freshman21 doesn’t support “read more” button.

To create a page link(button) is very easy.

Just add

<p><a href="\{\{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl \}\}">read more</a></p> 

after \{\{post.summary\}\}

The example of post summary at Gist.