
今天我又找到了在线的版本看了一遍,John Oldman看似像讲故事一样的叙述,其实给他的朋友灌输了宗教产生的另一种可能。这次欣赏时,剧情里我最喜欢的一段话是:

EDITH: You think that’s all religion is about? Selling hope and survival?

JOIN: The Old Testament sells fear and guilt. The New Testament is a great work of ethics, put into my mouth by better philosophers and poets than I am. But the message isn’t practiced. The fairy tales build churches.


正如知乎上 大家对这部影片的看法,本片之所以有让人无法辩驳的推演逻辑的原因是它参照了典型的科学研究的步骤,即观察->假设->验证 。在逻辑上基本无懈可击,让人感觉故事完整,令人思考“究竟是不是真的是这样”,这正是该片的独特之处。

关于宗教,我只想说,宗教的起源最好阅读一下《金枝》(the golden bough),这个东西是随着人类社会的发展需要而产生的,也会随着社会的需要而变化。

EDITH: Christianity’s been a worldwide belief for two thousand years.

JOHN: How long did the Egyptians worship (Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom)? The Sumerians, Ishtar? Sacred cows wander freely in parts of India, as reincarnated souls. In a few thousand years they’ll be barbecued, and the souls will be in squirrels.